The December rain makes me feel solitary
It lacks the warmth of the March rain
And the tenderness of its July cousin
Or the freshness of its August sister
It comes unexpected, unlike its September sister
And snatches a part of its November sibling
Just to add more chill to its demeanor.
But I have never seen it complain of its short life span
Or the fact that its existence depends on another season
Which is why I eagerly await it every year
And when it comes, enjoy the solitude that it has to offer.
- Disha Wahi.
It lacks the warmth of the March rain
And the tenderness of its July cousin
Or the freshness of its August sister
It comes unexpected, unlike its September sister
And snatches a part of its November sibling
Just to add more chill to its demeanor.
But I have never seen it complain of its short life span
Or the fact that its existence depends on another season
Which is why I eagerly await it every year
And when it comes, enjoy the solitude that it has to offer.
- Disha Wahi.