Thursday, August 12, 2010


Watch the clouds,
When they remove their dry shroud,
Depicting a bantering crowd,
Perhaps an elephant's face or a child's skate,
They artistically state-
'We are not inanimate!'

Listen to the frogs,
When their croaks replace the barks of the dogs,
When they come out of their bogs,
With gallantry in their gait,
They, in a medley, state-
'We are not inanimate!'

Inhale the fragrance of the roses,
Swaying in the rain flashing charming poses,
Cherishing the company of the wet earth that mosses,
Penning down their stories on nature's slate,
Sweet-scented, they state-
'We are not inanimate!'

Indulging in acts of destruction and deception,
The human race has shut all windows of perception,
Feeding voraciously on mother earth's production,
At such a reproachfully increasing rate,
Yes, we have lost the right to state,
  That we are  
  and animate!
-Disha Wahi       

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A vacated mind after vacation..@!!!!!!@

The title of this post points towards my current state of mind...confused, frenzied, pathetic & worn-out...(although it is a bit ironic that an empty mind can house so many feelings!). Yes..these feelings have taken their toll (since the beginning of the so-called summer vacation....that does not deserve to be called a vacation...sic) on my mind's multidimensional matrix that does not have a solution ( now this sounds a bit exaggerated..particularly when i am a bit weak in mathematics!!). Well..listed below are some of my vacation experiences (sic) :
  • Training at NTPC was fun, since ours was a gang of seven, always ready to ransack every place we went to, eating reasonably-priced dosas (Rs 7/- per plate... unbelievable) in the canteen (in a not-so-reasonable labour-full environment), taking a joy-ride on the coal-train's engine, etc. But, I still feel that I deserved something better. Instead of burning in the heat (partly of the summer sun and partly due to the furnace fumes, coal dust, boiler heat, etc.), I could have fared well in a fully air- conditioned office of some private firm ( but obviously, you need a strong approach for that).   

    • After wasting a week or so after training, I finally realised that I must do something constructive(Note: this does not include facebooking, movieying, TV-watching, cooking, sleeping, etc). So, I shifted my focus to a half-hearted preparation for GATE/IES/PSUs. Self-realisation after one more non-productive and monotonous week- "You need to join some coaching institute that would set-up a routine for you so that you can complete the syllabus in time."(In short, 'stop wasting time like money... life is not an ever-going sale...flat 80% off !'...I am surprised that my inner-voice can overpower me at times; it is not dead yet.) So, i joined this India's No. 1 IES Academy (or so are the claims). It is located in a place called Jia Sarai ( most of people dont recognise the place at first. But when you tell them- 'It's near IIT, Delhi.'- there comes an unusually big 'OHHH'...........sigh).

      • The 6th semester result was declared a bit earlier than I had expected. As usual, it was not very impressive, especially when those who were way below me in the past semesters suddenly moved up the ladder, overstepping me. In fact, if my percentage versus semester curve is plotted, it would resemble the graph of a decreasing logarithmic function...that is if we exclude the point of 5th semester!!!

        With such a busy (sic) schedule, I could not go to a place such as mussourie, shimla or goa .. and the worst thing is, I cannot say - '....may be next time' - because there wont be a next time. This was the last official summer vacation of my college fact my entire life.

        To conclude, everything follows Pareto's 80/20 principle, i.e., only 20% of your daily activities are responsible for 80% of the consequences....however, favorable or not, depends on the quality of those activities.